Read what our volunteers and guests have to say about COKO.


The week I spent with the children in Coko filled my heart and soul with the pure joy of sincere children's love. I regretted not having more hands, more arms, and more legroom than for one or two children at a time. I live all the time from the memories of my time spent in Coko.


 From: Czech Republic

I am so grateful to you for the incredible experience I had volunteering in Moshi. I felt very lucky to be part of such a heartwarming and brilliant team.All the staff were more than welcoming, everyone was patient and teaching me the tasks to do around the orphanage. The kids were all so sweet and I loved getting to know them. They’re all so talented and special in their own way.  Coko was like a family, and I really hope I am lucky enough to come back and visit again.


 From: United Kingdom

  Any apprehension I had a visiting Coko was instantly erased upon meeting the children. Despite not speaking the same language, I had smiling new friends within moments. Over the next few days, the children and staff treated me like family as we played soccer, cooked meals and laughed together. A visit to Coko is a rare experience in life. I look forward to visiting them in their new home in 2025.


From: New Hampshire

  There are some trips I take for relaxation and some trips I take for the adventure. Then there are trips that just plain fill your heart up, which best describes my visit to Coko and the weeks I spent with the children there.

More than anything we brought for them I think the time we spent with them at the most playing together, learning each other’s languages, brushing braiding my hair and taking Brightness out for the day. No matter what we may have given them, we got so much more in return, including a perspective we all need more of. The only downside was having to say goodbye to 30 of the most wonderful children I have ever had the privilege of knowing and loving. Can’t wait to go back.


From:  New Hampshire

I had an amazing opportunity to visit Coko. This orphanage is a nonprofit organization and I saw firsthand that 100% of the donations go to the well-being of these children. They’re little faces will pull your heartstrings. They are well taken care of smart so happy and so big. Thank you to Tim Marco for leading our team from North Carolina. I am so grateful to have been a part of it.


From: North Carolina

I really have no idea how to describe the immense amount of love I felt walking through the doors of Coko.  I cannot imagine the heartbreak some of these kids have faced and they are beaming with joy at the site of visitors. These kids greeted me with open arms, hugs and laughter. They each lined up for treats and then piled around my lap as we shared stories and smiles. My hottest because of these kids, thank you Coko for all that you do.


From: Arizona